Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ortners in Oklahoma City

Today, there were three stops in our Hughes-Ortner research. First stop was at the Oklahoma State Health Department, Office of Vital Records. We had a list of six death certificates we were hoping to find. Unfortunately, only three could be found and they were for: Sarah K. Hughes, William David Hughes and George C. Ortner. There was none for John L. Hughes, Lena Belle Campbell Hughes and Margaret Florina Burton Campbell. Since we are focusing on the Ortner family in this part of the state, I will include George's death certificate.

Our second stop was at the beautiful Oklahoma History Center. Here there is a museum and a research center. We spent several hours in the research center not finding a lot of new information since we had located so many records in the local courthouses and libraries. However, it a great research location.

In the afternoon, we drove to Rose Hill Burial Park. Buried here are Christian C. and Mary Ortner (Christian C. is a brother to George C. Ortner), Solomon C. and Nettie Ortner (Christian C.'s son), Emanuel Ortner (Solomon's brother) and Harvey E. Ortner (George G.'s son). If you got lost in all that, back up and try again.

Solomon had worked for the Southern Publishing Association, Clinton Theological Seminary (a German Seventh-day Adventist seminary in Clinton, Missouri) and for the last several years of his life, did the accounting for the Ortner Cabinet Shop in Oklahoma City.

Solomon and Nettie were members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Oklahoma City. Sadly, they both died in an automobile accident in 1968.

This is probably my last blog entry until we are able to visit Marion County, Kansas in a few days. This is where the Ortners settled when they immigrated to America.

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